Friday, September 19, 2008

Okayed to weightbear!

The good news today was that, after looking at the xrays of Robert's foot, pelvis, and back, the doctors have given the green light to begin weight bearing. How quickly this can happen will be dictated by how much pain results from each new movement. It's been five weeks since his surgery, only half as long as the 10 weeks we had originally been told it would be before this could happen, so praise the Lord! The process to actually get to a standing position will happen very slowly, with a series of procedures and exercises to go through before he's ready to be upright. But it is such a positive step forward. He is also able to have the aircast off his left foot, except for when he's in the wheelchair and doing in physio.
Give God lots of thanks and praise for all He's doing in Robert. Continue to pray for a return of the ability to bring his right foot forward, and to use the quad muscles in his leg .... all important to his being able to walk. God is more than able.
Time's almost up before the computer place closes for the weekend. Thanks again, everyone, for your prayers.



Unknown said...

Dear Chris, Tom & Robert
It's a daily habit now to check to blog and pray for you all. I love to hear the report daily of God's grace and answers to prayer. Yahoo for every minute up, and every extra minute of sleep! Tom, I'm so glad you could be with Chris and Robert this week. God bless you all with His joy to be your continuing strength.

Love,Brenda W.

Anonymous said...

Hi to Robert, Chris and Tom! We have been praying continually for all of you. You are all an inspiration to the rest of us. My goal is to continue seeking His face for everyday living. You never know what tomorrow may bring! We love you lots, and I pray for quick healing and a closer walk with Him, who is our heart. Love Linda White