Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday afternoon

After reporting yesterday that nothing much was happening, things changed. Robert had a visit from doctors from G.F. Strong to assess him for his rehab which is still 7 weeks off. They asked a myraid of questions and checked him over from head to toe.
Their take on Robert's conditions is as follows:
Strengths - good upper body strength (he will be able to do some in bed physio to keep up and build up that upper body.}
good strength in the right leg
movement in the left foot
Challenges - in other words, areas where strong prayer for healing is needed.
little movement or sensation in the left leg
drop foot on the right side
other issues related to peripheral nerve damage, some of which cannot be accurately assessed due to his pelvic injuries

The one doctor talked of Robert coming home after rehab in a wheelchair or with a walker, with hope for more improvement with additional rehab in PG. The other doctor stated that Robert would definitely be able to stand.

Okay, so we are not satisfied with that and I encourage everyone to pray towards Robert not only standing, but walking, and yes, even running. Pray for the healing of the nerves, as well as for the healing of the pelvice injuries. Pray for a further improved management of the pain, which gets in the way of proper rest and the ability to heal. Pray against infections which are threatening his incision and bladder.

Even more importantly, pray that the enemy of discouragement, he who would have Robert give up, be kept far from Robert. Pray that faith, determination, tenacity would rise up within Robert, inspite of what the doctors may say about his condition.

Hearing these reports from the doctors was overwhelming for me, as although they were not things I had never thought of before, hearing them said out loud in a matter of fact sort of way, was heartwrenching. I'm very thankful that our friends Darcy and Kerstin are here with us at this time, as their encouragement, faith in the God who is able to heal, and their prayers, have helped so very much. Thanks to Darcy who is spending the afternoon with Robert while Kerstin and I went out and had lunch, coffeed, and I got some overdue work done on my hair.

It has been almost four weeks since this all began. We are thnnkful for all that God has brought Robert through so far, for the miracles that have happened, the most important one being the preservation of his life. I ask you to not grow tired of praying, but to hunker down and do battle as you know how, or if you don't think you know how, ask God to show you what that means. Thankyou so much for the time you take to pray, and for all of your support.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I read your reports everyday and pray for total healing for Robert. I understand what you are talking about when you speak of the doctors delivering information so matter of factly. How hard it is to hear things that are not real positive. It does sound however, like they are on the ball there, and have some answers and options for you. I pray for wisdom from all of your care givers. I also pray there will be someone there who can be a huge encouragement to Robert. I am sure that you have already taken Isa 40:31 as your own, but I pray Robert, that you do rise up on wings as eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. This is Gods promise. God bless you all, love and prayers Christie P

Anonymous said...

Praise God for He has a life changing and a perfect plan that will astonish the Doctors, all his caregivers and mostly those who doubt the healing power of our Heavenly Father's deep heart of love for His son Robert. God alone knows the plans He has predestined for you Robert and they are all good. He feels every breath of pain with you and He weeps for the injustice of it all. He will never, leave you nor forsake you. I pray that each of you will continue to practise stepping into God's heart of love and out of the physical pain and mental twists that come with 'man's opinions' of your circumstances. God is enough no matter what; the hard part is practising daily to believe that God is with us, in us and the valley will turn into the most amazing hill top quicker than it ever feels. I praise God for the protection of all of Robert's organs, his bones, nerves, ligaments, muscles, every cell and medical miracle that God designed to form a body for his spirit to dwell in the human beauty of Robert. No infections shall linger or new ones enter in the strong name of JESUS! GOD is the one who has changed the pain level from
10+ to 4-6 and it shall continue to decrease because He has shown us, that is His will for Robert. Phyical healing, renewed strength of character and refreshed visions, hopes and dreams in his certainty of God's deep love for him. I thank God that you both know JESUS because we are overcomers through his shed blood. In JESUS precious name I praise God for all things including the nightmares for, "weeping may in endure for the night, but 'joy' cometh in the morning!" Be in peace my Dear sister and young brother in Christ. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Robert, after reading your moms report I felt I needed to get a better understanding of the parts that need praying for so dusted off my World Book and looked up Human Body. You know those clear pages that have the Skelatal system and then you put the next clear page on and it adds the Muscular so on. I started to pray from the toes up and then I realized i was praying for the female body. Your lucky males and females are so much alike or you would really be in trouble!! Any way I've come to the conculsion that this body of ours IS wonderfully made and who better to call on to fix it then the One who made it.. Well I better get back on my ....patella (knee caps). See i could do pre med stuff no problem.Have a good sleep. Love Judy