Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Better than yesterday

Robert had another rough night - 2 to 3 hours of sleep. However,he slept a good part of the morning and was able to go to physio this afternoon. His time in the chair was cut short by a trip to Xray where they are going to look at his pelvis and lower back to see what the status of that is. I'm really glad because with all the pain he gets from that, it would be good to be sure that everything is as it should be there.
Yesterday he had a long chat with a doctor who specializes in pain management. As a result they have upped his dosage some more, including more nerve pain medication which could help to alleviate some of the severe spasms of pain he is getting. The extra meds also make him sleepier. Seems to work well in the day for being able to sleep, but not so well at night. Well, so far today is an improvement over yesterday for which I am thankful. Many thanks for all your continuing and continuous prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and I'll continue to pray for both Robert and you. I've been reading an interesting book by Philip Yancey called "Where is God When it Hurts?" The first few chapters are a discussion about physical pain and how amazing the very sensation of pain is, how it was designed by God to protect us and serve as a warning system. Never thought of it that way before. Of course there is much more in the book and I'm only half way through it. I don't know if you're interested but thought I would mention it just in case.
Still praying,