Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey there. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Well the last month has been a pretty big success. For the last few weeks I have been going to wheelchair basketball. Its a fairly small group of 8-9 people and is pretty casual. The first 45 minutes is usually some skill building and practice which is good since I have a lot to learn. Then the remainder of the time is spent playing. I have a lot of fun playing. So far I have been able to stay for around 80 minutes. Which brings me to my next bit of good news, my sitting tolerance has made a significant increase from 40-50 minutes to 70-80 minutes. Because of this we are now trying to decrease the pain medication that I am taking by a very small amount to see what happens. So far I haven't noticed much of a difference so perhaps we'll be able to take it down some more in the future. Since the beginning of October I have been going to the pool for physio twice a week. Its a nice change from the same old routine and has helped my balance and leg strength improve. As a result of this I have recently been able to walk with only one crutch for short distances. Its not the smoothest way to move but it's progress. This afternoon my dad and I went to the CN center parking lot so that I could attempt to drive. With my foot drop, and me not having driven in well over a year I wasn't sure how it was going to go. I had been thinking that I was going to need to use my left foot since I can't lift my right foot up. Fortunately this wasn't much of an issue and I was able to drive normally. My leg was getting tired after awhile so it'll take some more practice and exercise to get that back. I don't think I could sit in that chair for much longer then a half hour but it felt really good to do it again. Hopefully some day in the future I can start driving myself to physio and stop taking cabs.

I think that is about it for my good news report. Hopefully they'll be some more to add to it soon.


Linda Forbes said...

Wow!! It sounds like lots of new things happening. Your hard work and God's of course shows. Lots of little steps. Thank you sooo for the updates, think of you often.
Hugs From the Forbes

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Robert, So good to hear all the new news! I hope you are able to get back in the saddle of driving again soon. In August, I took one of the boys (the middle one, who shall remain nameless....) out to a field to try driving. Sadly, he constantly got the brake and the gas pedal mixed up and I ended up with a wee bit of a headache!! He thought it all was fun. I'm sure you did better than that! Anyways, we keep on praying for you, and know the plans the Lord has for you are good. Take care. Love the Mitchell gang

Anonymous said...

PS: Jen, you are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob...let me know when you hit the streets with your driving so I can stay off the road!!! I realize we do not know each other personally; because I see you as my little brother in Christ teasing you seemed to be the best way to celebrate all of your good news. Happy belated birthday!

I thank God for His perfect loving care being so evident in your every changing testimony.

Continued peace, joy and much more healing according to God's perfect timing. In His Majesty's Service, D.M.

Anonymous said...

Great News!! What encouragement it must be for you to see such improvements. We're still in the stands cheering and praying for you.
Uncle Phil & Aunt Jan

Anonymous said...

That is fantastic news, Robert. It is wonderful to see how the Lord is bringing you thru' all the hurtles that have been placed in front of you. To have you drive into Taylor will be just as eventful as the Olympic torch, just let us know when. Woohoo!!!!
All the best,
Fred 'n' Judy

Unknown said...

WOW...what incredible news! Thanks so much for sharing your story with us as a continueous testimony of your love and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, this is amazing news and we are lifting up praises to God for your recovery, blessings friend. CM

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Awesome! I celebrate with you! Thank you for the update. And thank you God for making a way and for healing! We keep trusting! Good luck on the court, that is so cool! Laura

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, Yes. Awesome news. Thanks for the pictures that was great! Bill and Judy

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert! That was absolutely the most wonderful news. We're so excited for you and thankful to God for the answers to prayers. Love the Gilmores.