Friday, June 26, 2009

Two weeks Later

Hey there. Well It's been two weeks now since the injection. This Is how long the doctors said it should take for the steroid they put in to be fully active. It has made some difference and I am able to sit some what comfortably for around 50 minutes. There is still quite a bit of pain and discomfort but it is still nice to be able to sit a little longer. In some areas it now seems that there is new pain. I think what is really happening is that I just hadn't noticed the pain in these areas because of the worse pain in the spot they put the injection. I had talked with the orthopedic doctor last week and she was going to be consulting with the spinal guy and looking at the ct. scans and taking the info from the injections to come up with a plan for what's next. Hopefully she'll be getting back to me soon with an update. Anyways thats about all thats new with me lately. Thank-you for continuing to follow along with my progress and for the encouragement you all provide.


Friday, June 12, 2009

After Way to LongI'm Back

First off I ned to apologize to those of you who are checking still checking this. I have no real excuse for not posting anything for o long besides be lazy. I'd like to thank you for still following along with my progress and praying. Well This pose is going to contain somthing rare... Good News!!! thats right, get excited. Now for the story. Yesterday around noon I flew back down to vancouver. We did the usual ambulance, to air ambulance to hospital routine. We got to fly with the same flight crew that we have the last 5 times we flown so it's always fun to see them again and catch up. Anyways at the hospital they injected my right SI (where the pelvis and spine attach) ith a quick acting local anesthetic and long lasting anti-inflammatory To make sure the put it in the right spot they would take a quick ct scan then put in the needle, do another ct scan to make sure it was in the right spot then advance the needle till it was in the right area and then injected the medicine. If this was the area that was causing my pain I should have felt almost instant relief, and then the long acting stuff could have possibly provided several months of relief. Hwever after sitting up for a few minuted the pain appeared as normal. bumber. Thursday evening was fun though. a few aunts and uncles and my grandma came by and we all crammed into the hotel room and visited for awhile. Then Today it was back to the hospital for a similar injection. Todays however was a nerve block. to get the needle to the area they wanted the had to try and bend the needle around some bone however. So to do this they had to first stick in a straight needle part way, then take a curved needle and use the straight needle to deflect it into the right area. all the while doing ct scans to make sure there going to the right area. it took them several trys and about 2 hours to get the right spot but they finally did and inject the stuff. after wards while waiting for the ambulance to pick us up to take us to the airport I managed to sit for over an hour pretty much pain free!! wHoo Hoo. So no it's been about 6 hours and the quick acting stuff has pretty much worn off so the pain is back, but n the next day or so the long lasting stuff should be kicking in and hopefully relieving my pain for some time. I was supposed to see the orthopedic specialist as well afterwards but since the injection took so long, and our schedule for getting to the airport for our flight was very tight we had to skip that part. So I think we will be talking on the hone next week. Anyways, besides providing temporary relief of pain these injections also tell the doctors what areas are causing the problems so that they can come up with a more long term plan. So it's very exciting to be making some serious headway. So thats my big exciting good news.
