Friday, October 30, 2009

I just figured out that I can put pictures up. Here's a couple from wheelchair basketball.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey there. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Well the last month has been a pretty big success. For the last few weeks I have been going to wheelchair basketball. Its a fairly small group of 8-9 people and is pretty casual. The first 45 minutes is usually some skill building and practice which is good since I have a lot to learn. Then the remainder of the time is spent playing. I have a lot of fun playing. So far I have been able to stay for around 80 minutes. Which brings me to my next bit of good news, my sitting tolerance has made a significant increase from 40-50 minutes to 70-80 minutes. Because of this we are now trying to decrease the pain medication that I am taking by a very small amount to see what happens. So far I haven't noticed much of a difference so perhaps we'll be able to take it down some more in the future. Since the beginning of October I have been going to the pool for physio twice a week. Its a nice change from the same old routine and has helped my balance and leg strength improve. As a result of this I have recently been able to walk with only one crutch for short distances. Its not the smoothest way to move but it's progress. This afternoon my dad and I went to the CN center parking lot so that I could attempt to drive. With my foot drop, and me not having driven in well over a year I wasn't sure how it was going to go. I had been thinking that I was going to need to use my left foot since I can't lift my right foot up. Fortunately this wasn't much of an issue and I was able to drive normally. My leg was getting tired after awhile so it'll take some more practice and exercise to get that back. I don't think I could sit in that chair for much longer then a half hour but it felt really good to do it again. Hopefully some day in the future I can start driving myself to physio and stop taking cabs.

I think that is about it for my good news report. Hopefully they'll be some more to add to it soon.