Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 21 - Evening

Hello again to all!

So, another day. Today was better than yesterday for a few reasons - one of those reasons was NOT that Robert had a better sleep because he really didn't at all (I can't figure out why God doesn't answer the easy prayers but we'll keep asking for tonight!). The good news is he FINALLY has his own room - I think he set a record for longest trauma patient stay in the observation room, 10/11 days is way too long to share a room with 6 other people in terrible shape. He now can have a TV and some peace and quiet for once, we are quite delighted - maybe even more than him. The sounds and smells of the big group room were driving us crazy. Robert was able to eat more today and was in much better spirits than yesterday. The nurses just love him and have been so good in fighting for him to get things like a good rooms and stuff that he wants (although they will never give him more morphine than he is allowed...).

A refresher course on prayer requests...
-Digestive system in general as he gets on solid foods
-RIGHT LEG (he is now getting very painful spasms in his calf and the arch of his foot and there is really nothing they have done to help him other than put it in a brace which forces his foot to flex at 90 degrees to keep the muscles stretched)
-The grace and strength for him to stay positive and focused as he recovers, it is going to be a long haul.

Keep knocking on His door until He answers!

Knocking away,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get better. We're praying for you.