Friday, October 31, 2008


Well I made it through day one on my own. This morning I had a casting of my left leg, the one with the weak quad, so that they can make a brace to prevent my knee from buckling. It'll take about 3 weeks for the brace to be made, so until then I will just have to hope for the best. Then I met with the people who were going to be making me a custom cushion for my wheelchair. However after being assessed on their evaluated we determined that the cushion would provided no more comfort then any other cushion I've tried so far. So I will have to tough it out with what I've got and hopefully either they will find a combination of medications that work or I my body will simply have to heal from whatever is causing this pain. Other then that and Mom and Dad being gone theres not a lot new. It looks like it will be another weekend spent fairly close to the bed. Hope everyone has a good weekend.



Anonymous said...

Hey Rob, cheering for you from PG! Great to spend the week with you, praying for a quick healing on the lower back pain... Really proud of you and the way you're wrestling through all of this - you the man!!
love, dAd

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert!
Thanks for keeping in touch with us thru the blog; I check it faithfully everyday! Hope you don't get too lonely there all by yourself; just know that we're all cheering you on from our hearts. Your upbeat attitude has never ceased to amaze me; you're one special person Robert!

Anonymous said...

Hey robert, hope you get better, and we all are praying for you here in FSJ.


Anonymous said...

Well Robert, must be a little tough being by yourself for a week. Wish we could be there with you!!!
We thought you might be interested in the fact that Ella seems to be a never nude. I may have to sew her some baby jean shorts!!!
Ever praying, love you lots!!!
Chris and Corinne

Anonymous said...

hi ROBERT i hope you get better soon

love Adam


were all praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert, thanks for the update although sounds like it sucks. I'm thinking that God has some special things in store for you for keeping the faith through all these trials and tribulations.

Your an inspiration to so many of us. A week ago I had severe muscle spasms to my mid back/shoulder area causing them to pull a rib out of place which caused a lot of pain but I thought Robert is going through a lot worse than this and if he can keep going without much complaint I should suck it up.

Thanks for your leadership and me and my family think about you and pray for you lots. Keep the spirits up. Bob Hlina