Friday, October 10, 2008


Another good day of physio, with more of the same exercises and a few new ones thrown in to mix things up a little. Now we're into the long weekend, so no physio for three whole days. Robert's physio (Tracy) did give him a walker for the weekend so he could practice standing actual walking allowed just yet. It'll be good to have a day or two or rest, just to give some of the sore muscles a chance to rest and recover, but I imagine by Tuesday, Robert will be chomping at the bit to get back at it. We are trying to be creative in thinking of things we can do over the weekend to make the time off as enjoyable as possible. If the weather stays as nice as it is today (beautiful blue skies, gorgeous fall colours adorning the trees, ....sorry all of you living PG and north who are enjoying snow, I understand???) , we should be able to get out for some walk/rolls which is always a good thing.
Going into the Thanksgiving weekend, I am thinking of the many things we have to be thankful .... in our lives in general, and particularly, in Robert's situation. God has brought him so far in the two months since his accident, so much healing has already taken place, it is amazing. God has been with our family every step of the way, giving each of us the kind of strength we need at exactly the right times. I am so thankful that He is the loving Father we can rely on and trust in, even though at times we can't even pretend to understand what is going on. I am also very thankful for the many friends and for the people we don't even know who have been praying faithfully through this entire experience. The prayer support has been immeasurable, powerful, and is deeply appreciated. We can all be thankful that we have a God Who hears, and Who is willing and able to do even more than we could ask or think.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, everyone. God bless you all.



Anonymous said...

Hi Robert and Chris; At the top of our "thankful" list is the fact, Robert, that you are with us and recovering so well. We are also thankful that you are working so hard. God knows your heart, and sees your persevering attitude and your desire for restoration. He loves that about you! He loves your character, he loves you. He says that you are His favourite (He says that about me, too, so don't let it go to your head. Okay, it can go there... ). Anyways, Robert, we bless you and we encourage you and we lift you up and we love you. And Chris, we are so thankful that God picked you as Robert's mom, so glad he gave you a heart full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. You are so dear to us, and so many. And Lord, we are so thankful for your unconditional love and your faithfulness, that we should be called your children. What more could we want? What more do we need? We rejoice and are thankful. Blessed be your name, Lord. Blessed, blessed, blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving to you both, and Jen and Tom, the same to you.
With love from the Mitchells

PS -- No snow here, and today was the first real frost. Our flowers are still beautiful, but they are covered with dry leaves from the trees! :)

Anonymous said...

Chris, Robert and family, We thank God for all of you. You are such an inspiration to all who are going through hard times,that there is hope and grace through Jesus as we go thru those times in life. May God continue to give you more and more strength each day! Have a super day, whatever you do. Lots of love and prayers the Gilmores. Happy thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Well I haven't checked in on the blog for way too long. I didn't even know Robert that you yourself were blogging. It was a great surprise to see that. Don't worry if you don't recognize my name - you won't as I doubt we have ever met. :) (My family just started attending First Baptist this year)

Chris, as a mom myself I can only imagine how torn you are in so many different ways. Thankful to be able to be there, missing your family and friends here, excited with Robert's progress, praying it could go faster.

I certainly wouldn't wish this experience on anyone, but please know that by all of you sharing your thoughts, prayer requests,and praises it has been uplifting; a good reminder to be grateful for all that we have at home.

May you continue to feel strength from God; know that we are praying for you and celebrating with you. I hope you are both getting your minimum four hugs a day.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Terry Coghill