Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Quick One

Hey, I finally kind of got ahold of the doctor. Well I talked to his secretary who looked through my file and found some notes. I'm not sure of any real details but this is how she explain it to me. She said that the mid line of my pelvis has fused together as well as s1/s2. There are a few partial fusions in the pelvis as well as one/some (She wasn't very clear on this) non fusions. So basically some of the bone have healed while other's haven't. This is what I'm assuming is the cause of all the pain. She also told me that since the problem area isn't in the spine but in the pelvis that I have been referred to a orthopedic specialist in Kelowna. Apparently all my info was faxed over on friday and I should hear from them soon. Who knows what that means. I'm glad that he isn't sending me to the orthopedic surgeon I had in vancover when I was at VGH because he was pretty much useless. Anyways everything is still kind of a mystery but at least we might be heading in the right direction.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hello Hello

Hey. Well I finally have some good news to share. Last week I went in for another spinal tap and the pressure was at 20 mm of water right were its supposed to be. My vision isn't back to perfect yet but Its definitely improving. I can even read the screen today without closing my one eye. The neurologist wants me to continue take the medication for another month and then hopefully after that things should be all back to normal. I still haven't heard back from the spinal surgeon yet on the results of my ct scan. He was supposed to call me last Wednesday but didn't. I have left several messages and talked to his secretary twice, but still no word. Thats a bit frustrating but I suppose that know news is hopefully good news. Physio is going fine. My left quad s continuing to see improvements while my hip and foot are still not getting in on the action. Things are still pretty sore, and it would be really nice to know if the CT scan showed any evidence of the cause. but I guess I have to leave some angry messages this week. I have also been have some new pain near the middle of my back. I sat kinda funny for a few minutes and then when I stood up I was extremely painful to straighten my back out. It has eased up some but is still a bit of an issue. I'll have to have my physiotherapist take a look at it if it continues. And I guess that would be most of my news. Next weekend my parents are going down to watch my sisters senior recital. I had been hoping hoping to go but a ten hour car ride wouldn't agree with me quite yet. So Pat Mcdonald is going to be staying with me for the weekend. Should be fun. hmmm Thats all I can think of right now. Hope your all doing well.
